Sercifer 22.09.2022 2064

Stillborn Interview (Killer)

Stillborn's “Cultura de la Muerte” is a jewel of extreme and metal brutality, which doesn't need to drink from influences from the past, just present music that will burst your ears and present things directly to you. Very good extreme album that returns to the initial sound of the band and moves away from more torn moments that happened in "Los Asesinos del Sur" (2011) and "Testimonio de Bautismo" (2016). So, 6 years was enough to have this musical monster. For this reason, Metallerium interviewed Killer, vocalist and founding guitarist of this aggressive band.


Para leer la entrevista en español: Entrevista a Stillborn


Metallerium: Welcome, Killer to Metallerium pages. It’s a great pleasure to talk with you about the band, this new album “Cultura de la Muerte” and more things related to the metal world. To start the interview, how have you been during these crazy times? Two years of the pandemic, a war in Europe, and who knows what will happen next years? A zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, the rise of the machines... 😊   


Stillborn: Hello. Thanks for Your interest in our band it's an honor and pleasure. It's a pretty hard question for the beginning of our conversation but no one said that it be easy. To be honest I don't care about all the Covid situation in a contest of the World. I try to care about my physical, emotional, and mental health every day to be prepared for such situations and so far, I'm fine. Talking about War I have to ask a question. How can you be forced to war, to lay down your life and health for other people's ideas and purposes? Those who shout the most for world peace are the first to arm frustrated societies with weapons to make chaos and profit from this situation. I think we live in a time of reset and everyone who wants general well-being, happiness and fulfillment should develop awareness before all else. Observe and draw conclusions. A zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, the rise of the machines? Yes, this happened but looks a little different than horror movies.


Metallerium: To do this interview I've heard all albums from Stillborn from the beginning with " Satanas el Grande" (2004) to this new one “Cultura de la Muerte”. Where you grew with amazing stuff on each record. For that, how do you see the music direction from the beginning to now? And could we say now that Stillborn is a death metal / black metal band and not just a death metal band?


Stillborn: Exactly. But when I talk about Black Metal in Stillborn, it does not apply directly to the music stylistic, but to the Spirit of the Metal, we play. I've never been strictly focused on one genre of metal. I have always been most interested in frank emotions and brutal ways of expressing myself. And Stillborn is a result of it.

Metallerium: Talking the discography of the band “Cultura de la Muerte” returns to the old aggressive sound if we compare it with the last two “Los Asesinos del Sur” (2011) and “Testimonio de Bautismo” (2016). This return or change was thought by you? Or was it a natural evolution of the band?


Stillborn: This is very much related to what I wrote earlier. It is definitely a natural evolution of the band and even a return to the beginning. Closing the circle. "Los Asesinos del Sur" was the album of the band's transformation period. "Testimonio de Bautismo" (2016) was a turning point that built my awareness and allowed me to create the album "Cultura de la Muerte". The most personal thing I've ever done.


Metallerium: Another aspect that I’ve seen in your albums is the names of them. Cuz all are in Spanish and the first four titles are in Spanish and the name of the songs is in English but since “Testimonio de Bautismo” (2016) to this new album “Cultura de la Muerte” you decided to write the name of the songs in polish.  Why are you decide to change the language of the songs? and why did you decide to take Spanish for the name of the albums?


Stillborn: Spanish titles because I want to show respect and tribute to the 80s scene of Latin America. Secondly, for me, it sounds devilish, and third, this is the inquisition's language. The names of songs and lyrics are in polish because this is the most comfortable way to express myself. But there is an idea to write one song in Spanish. Maybe on the next album.


Metallerium: You are the only left member that still remains from the past when you started the band in 1997. How did you feel the changes over time with the music, members, etc?  Did you decide to left the band someday in the past?


Stillborn: This band is an integral part of me, it is my life. There is no possibility to left it. It will exist as long as Metal will fill my veins and heart. Life is going on; everything is changing so then different people around me and differing points of view. And You can hear it in our music.


Metallerium: You create the band in 1997. But the first album was released 7 years later with “Satanas el Grande” (2004). Why did this happen? Cuz in Europe at that time was easier to record and release albums. Perhaps had something to do with Poland being more ecclesiastic and religious. 


Stillborn: The main reason was the prose of life. We were young guys without money and enough good equipment but we had a lot of enthusiasm so we recorded a few reh tapes and three demos. After that Pagan Records got interested in us, bought the hours at Hertz Studio, and released our first album. It was a great time and Tomasz Krajewski is a legend.  


Metallerium: One aspect that’s inevitable to ask is about the name. Cuz when a person tries to find Stillborn. The searcher shows up 10 bands with the same name including you. Do you think to change the name someday? and the same feeling of the name is still there 23 years before?


Stillborn: I know about it, but when I started creating Stillborn, there was no internet in Poland (laughs). Not so accessible as nowadays. Fuck it. I was a very self-destructive person and fascinated by death. This name was perfect for my band. Stillbirth is the worst thing that can happen in human life. Stillborn is also a metaphor for the sense of earthly life from my point of view. I will not change it and the main reason is a beautiful logo with many chains and inverted crosses. I am also of the opinion that the past should not be regretted because it cannot be changed anymore. But you should definitely draw conclusions and learn.   


Metallerium:  Talking about one special thing on this new album. Which song for you have more memories of when you played it? What song brings you back in time to see how things resulted in "Cultura de la Muerte”? And how do you choose the songs that you will play at the gigs?


Stillborn: It is the sixth track on the album called "Wędrowiec" (Wanderer). This one has all my music experience and the riffs are a tribute to every genre of Metal from Thrash, through Doom until Black, and finally Death Metal. Songs for gigs I choose in an obvious way. The ones closest to my heart. At the autumn concerts, we will be playing the entire album except the last one. Also, few from "Testimonio de Bautismo"(2016) like Ancykryst, Odezwa, and Obłęd. They are my favorite. For the end will be "To Be" and almighty Sarcofago cover "Nightmare".


Metallerium: We are very close to the end of this interview. For that, what are the future plans that the band has for the next days, months, and years? Perhaps a North American tour, European tour, etc. Videoclips are upcoming. ¿Who knows?


Stillborn: I have no special plans. Only autumn gigs in November as usual. I have a very hard and busy time on the professional side of life. Gigs in both Americas would be great in the future. 

Metallerium: How do you consume music most of the time? Also, what is your opinion about digital platforms and streaming services? How has been your experience with these options that technology is giving us? Is bad or good?


Stillborn: I was against digitization when that all crazy was started but now, I don't care. I know that it’s easier for the new generation so let it be. I personally prefer the traditional way like Vinyl, Cassettes, and CDs but of course, I use the Youtube channel for searching the old goods from times when I was too young to have them on my shelves. Also, sometimes I find something new and next I buy it.


Metallerium: Well, Killer. The sad time arrives at this interview. I hope you enjoyed this one like me. Congratulations on this amazing album. Anything you want to add to your Latin American fans and Metallerium readers?


Stillborn: Dear Maniacs. Remember: Fuck the false brotherhoods! Always keep ahead! 666!


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