Sercifer 05.03.2024 1757

Spectral Voice Interview (Eli Wendler)

It's been too long for these Americans from Spectral Voice to present a new album because their 2017 album “Eroded Corridors of Unbeing” is a tremendous deather and doomer beast of great density and intensity within their music, and when I had the opportunity to see them live in 2020 at the now defunct Total Death Over Mexico, I was impressed by all the live power that this band had to present with only one album to date, and as they always say, if the band after having heard the album surprises you even more live. Well, expectations are high to hear a second production, so this second album “Sparagmos” reaches my ears with a high probability of having a very good album in the speakers.  


Para leer la entrevisa en español: Entrevista a Spectral Voice  


Metallerium: ¡Welcome Eli Wendler to Metallerium website! It is a pleasure to talk with you about Spectral Voice and its last album “Sparagmos”. First of all, how are you? How is the band?  


Spectral Voice: Just fine, thank you  


Metallerium: ¿This is our first interview, do you mind introducing the band to our readers? Also, Why did it take so long to have a new album from Spectral Voice?  


Spectral Voice: Spectral Voice plays Death’s metal with an emphasis on doom and the despair that emanates from all life. As with our music, the process moves slowly, and periods of reflection are necessary. We were searching for a very specific atmosphere, and that can take a long time to capture.  



Metallerium: "Sparagmos" takes a more 'blackened' and 'ambient' approach compared to your previous work. What inspired this shift in musical direction?  


Spectral Voice: SV has always attempted to convey the dismal aspects of death metal and Sparagmos takes this further. The new album is an amalgamation of everything we have done before, and to be honest, it just felt natural. We wanted to express something personal and deeper than just some new metal songs. I think subconsciously this may stem from a reaction to our surroundings, as it seems that most death metal bands these days have focused on purely “being heavy” with no regard to the actual extremity or morbidity that this music has been so historically imbued with.  


Metallerium: “Sparagmos" incorporates ritualistic elements and diverse vocal styles. Did specific lyrical themes inspire these additions? ¿Can you elaborate on the connection between them?  


Spectral Voice: Yeah, for sure. The vocals evolved as a reflection of the more personal lyrical approach, rather than themes or a conscious decision. When rehearsing this new material, it’s just what came out, and felt powerful under the context of the music.  



Metallerium: Each song on "Sparagmos" feels like an immersive journey. Could you delve into the creative process behind a specific track, highlighting the music and lyrics and how they came together?  


Spectral Voice: The creative process spans over ten years (as some of the passages on the record are that old) so, that could be an entire conversation in itself. I would say that rather than dissecting each track on its own, the totality of the record can be described as a sacrifice of one’s self, to one’s self, to be free of one’s self. The record is both an exaltation and yearning for total death (extinguishing ego and self) and reification of the erotic and transcendental Life (bestial superconscious of primordial wildness)  


Metallerium: The album features four lengthy tracks that present a dense and distinct sound. ¿Can you share insights into the songwriting process for “Sparagmos” and how you achieved such a dreadful and doomy atmosphere?  


Spectral Voice: As I mentioned above, some of the parts are quite old, whereas others were written in a moment of pure improvisation between the four of us. Some parts were written at home and then composed together in the rehearsal room, and others were captured in moments of spontaneity. Previously we had taken influence from others musically whereas with Sparagmos, we found ourselves taking influence atmospherically, and then translating those atmospheres into our musical language.    



Metallerium: Compared to "Eroded Corridors of Unbeing", "Sparagmos" boasts a clearer and more defined production. What were your production goals for this album?  


Spectral Voice: I don’t recall setting any specific goals or references before entering the studio. Arthur Rizk is deeply trusted and there was never any need to give guidelines in that way. We had lots of time in the studio to set up and experiment with different techniques and the result is what you hear. We wanted it to be immersive and encapsulating. With Eroded Corridors, we had this big spacious vantage point, echoing through space and time (macrocosm). With Sparagmos we wanted to zoom in, more claustrophobic darkness (microcosm).  


Metallerium: "Sparagmos" marks a significant step forward. What artistic ambitions or musical directions do you envision for Spectral Voice's future?  


Spectral Voice: Thank you for the kind words. To be honest, we aren’t thinking about the future right now. The only ambition of SV is to venerate Death.  


Metallerium: You share members with Blood Incantation. How has this collaboration influenced your individual expression and musical journey?  


Spectral Voice: As with any member in multiple bands, each one serves a different outlet and release from our artistic expression. Both bands have pushed the other forward and challenged us to take things further.  



Metallerium: ¿How do you view the current state of the death metal scene? What trends or developments excite you, and are there any concerns you hold?  


Spectral Voice: It’s largely uninteresting to me. As I mentioned earlier with people seemingly losing focus, most bands I encounter are more concerned with social media engagement and merchandising than writing memorable songs with passion and fervor. Nobody writes bad reviews anymore, nobody has anything critical to say and if they do, it is in private or from troll accounts. My read on the current situation is that there are a lot of “normal” people and hobbyists. Lots of morbid angel shirts, but not so many morbid people. I think in the end though it’s a good thing, and the pendulum will swing soon enough. People have been expressing this same sentiment since the eighties, so what do I know? There will always be diehards carrying the torch, and that’s most important.  


Metallerium: Spectral Voice has been hailed for its originality and musicianship. What do you think sets your band apart from other death metal acts, and how do you stay true to your unique sound?  


Spectral Voice: I think you’ve answered your question. We don’t concern ourselves with what other people are doing because they aren’t in our band.   


Metallerium: Again, thank you for this interview. Is there anything you want to say to your fans in Latin America and Metallerium readers?  


Spectral Voice:  Thank you very much for the genuine questions. STAY DEATH  


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