Sercifer 04.03.2025 44

Rectal Smegma Interview (Yannic Ophorst)

Rectal Smegma is one of those Goregrind bands with many Brutal Death Metal overtones that since they started with “Licking a Leper” (2004) were always within the core of that movement that was in vogue at that time, where everything was butt, fart, every, jokes, laughs and other ideas that Goregrind began to explore much more at the time, and many bands began to appear within this concept, where there were very good expressions of the style at a general level. So, this Dutch band was always within this explosion of Brutal Death Metal and Gonorrhea Metal bands, as simple as that, and they even were twice in the defunct Mountains of Death Metal festival in Switzerland, where the whole Brutal Death Metal scene had its greatest representatives from 2009 to 2011, and when the DVD could be downloaded for free, you saw how this band gave itself to the public and how Yannic Ophorst with the vocals was insane when it came to pressing the vocal effect to make it more demonic. But many of those years passed and now the band presents its sixth studio album called “To Serve and Protect” released through Rotten Roll Rex. For this reason, Metallerium interviewed the band's vocalist.


Para leer la entrevista en español: Entrevista a Rectal Smegma


Metallerium: Welcome to Metallerium Webzine! First off, thank you for taking the time to chat with us. How is the band doing these days, and what’s the current vibe within Rectal Smegma as you approach the release of To Serve And Protect?


Rectal Smegma: Thanks for having us! We’re doing great,excited, hyped, and maybe a little impatient! After nine years, finally dropping To Serve And Protect feels unreal. The energy in the band is at an all-time high, and we can't wait for people to hear what we've been cooking up.


Metallerium: Nine years have passed since your last album, Gnork (2016). What factors contributed to the gap between albums, and how did you decide it was finally time to unleash new material?


Rectal Smegma: After Gnork we got a shitload of festival shows and tour, most of the time went to this. Then some personal stuff, and just the usual chaos. But throughout all that, we never lost the passion. We’ve always been playing shows and writing riffs, but it took a while before everything clicked into place for a new album. After Hellfest 2022 we felt we had something truly killer, we knew it was time.


Metallerium: Sonically and lyrically, how does To Serve And Protect push boundaries compared to your past work? Should fans expect evolution, reinvention, or a return to roots?


Rectal Smegma: A bit of everything! The signature Rectal Smegma sound is still there…filthy, fast, and brutal—but we’ve really stepped up the songwriting and production. The riffs hit harder, the blast beats are faster, and we’ve got some unexpected twists in there. Lyrically, we’re still in the same ballpark dark humor, social commentary, and just straight-up offensive fun.



Metallerium: Walk us through your songwriting process. Do you wait for inspiration to strike, or is it a disciplined, collaborative grind? How long were these songs in the works before they felt “ready”?


Rectal Smegma: It’s definitely a mix. Some songs came together in a few sessions, others took years to refine. We don’t force things—if a riff or song idea doesn’t feel right, we leave it and come back later. When we finally locked in our current lineup, the writing process became super fluid. We bounce ideas off each other, jam, and let the chaos flow naturally. Our new bass player Alex that comes in 2023 was a good addition in this whole process.


Metallerium: The band’s name, Rectal Smegma, is… unforgettable. What’s the story behind it? Does it reflect your philosophy toward music, shock value, or rebellion against societal norms?


Rectal Smegma: Haha, yeah, it’s definitely a name you don’t forget! It started as a joke…Our first name was Carnal Rancidity, then it became Rectum Smegma and we and up as Rectal Smegma in a period of 2 months. I remember we were high on the Mac drive when we finally turned it into Rectal Smegma. I was about 16 years old. It was just the most disgusting name we could come up with at the time. But over the years, it stuck because it fits who we are: brutal, ridiculous, and completely unapologetic. It’s not just about shock value; it’s about not taking ourselves too seriously in a genre that sometimes does, and people love it 😊


Metallerium: The album artwork for To Serve And Protect is striking. What themes or messages did you want the cover to convey, and how did you settle on this visual representation?


Rectal Smegma: We wanted something that fit the album title. This arose from the title that we had had on the shelf for 15 years. About 3 years ago we picked this up again and I started writing a script for the video. The artwork was created from the video ‘’To Serve and Protect’’ and in the last band photo with the kids you can see the mascot getting us, these are the bad guys in the new album cover. A twisted take on authority, protection, and the idea that those in power aren’t always the heroes they claim to be. The artist really nailed that mix of aggression and dark humor that defines our music. It’s intense but also has that chaotic energy we love.



Metallerium: In today’s hyperconnected world, singles and teasers spark global reactions instantly. How has the response to your previews been so far? Do you engage with fan comments or reviews, or avoid them entirely?


Rectal Smegma: The response has been insane! People seem just as excited as we are, and that’s the best feeling. We love interacting with fans whether it’s social media comments, messages, or just meeting people at shows. Reviews are cool to see. We received some reviews of the new album already with enormous appreciation in terms of final grade and fantastic comments but at the end of the day, if the fans are happy, we’re happy.


Metallerium: Your live shows are legendary for their chaotic energy and dark humor. How do you translate that raw, visceral essence into your studio recordings without losing the "live" magic?


Rectal Smegma: For this album, we actually approached things completely differently than our previous recordings. This time, we used a click track, which is something we hadn’t done before. It helped us keep everything super tight while still capturing that raw energy we bring to the stage. Even though the recording process was more structured, we made sure not to over-polish anything…keeping that natural grind feel intact. It takes waaaaay longer to finish it all but e so happy with this result.


Metallerium: Extreme music often faces backlash from conservative groups. With rising censorship efforts worldwide, do you fear your explicit lyrics or imagery might ever be targeted? Is “offending the offended” still part of the genre’s DNA?


Rectal Smegma: We do keep this in mind to some extent. Twenty years ago, we could say and release literally anything, but times have changed. A good example is our "Fuckface" shirt, which got banned at festivals and is something our label no longer wants to release due to cancel culture. So, whether we like it or not, we have to be a bit more aware of these things. That said, we’ll always stay true to what makes grindcore great..pushing boundaries and not taking ourselves too seriously.



Metallerium: AI is reshaping music creation, from generating riffs to cloning voices. What’s your stance on its role in metal? Would you ever use AI tools, or is human imperfection crucial to your sound?


Rectal Smegma: AI is cool for some things, but grindcore is all about human aggression. The little imperfections, the raw energy, the human fun element… AI can’t replicate that. We might use it for something like funny promo content, but never for writing our music.


Metallerium: Any advice for young bands in 2025? How do you stand out in an oversaturated scene where listeners have attention spans shorter than a grindcore song?


Rectal Smegma: Be yourself, don’t try to follow trends, and never half-ass your live shows. People will remember you if you give them an experience, not just music. Also… social media is your friend, whether you like it or not.


Metallerium: Rectal Smegma has survived 20 years in this chaotic industry. How has the band evolved since its inception, and what lessons keep you grounded amid lineup changes or creative challenges?


Rectal Smegma: We’ve grown musically, but our core attitude remains the same: have fun, play loud, and don’t give a fuck. Lineup changes and life challenges happen, but as long as the passion is there, we keep going. Surround yourself with the right people, try to improve your music and be creative with the promotion and stuff, this helps to keep the fun going and again…don’t take yourself too seriously haha.



Metallerium: Reflecting on your career, has the metal scene turned out as you envisioned two decades ago? What surprises or disappointments have shaped your perspective?


Rectal Smegma: The scene is always evolving. Some things are better now… more accessibility, more opportunities, but some things have been lost, like the old-school tape and cd-trading mentality, with a booklet and stuff. One thing that never changes is the dedication of metal fans, and that’s what keeps us going.


Metallerium: Any plans to tour, especially in Latin America—a region known for its rabid metal fans? Lastly, any parting words for the loyal degenerates awaiting To Serve And Protect?


Rectal Smegma: We’d love to hit Latin America again those crowds are insane! We will come back in 2026! Right now, we’re planning this year an Asia tour a lot of summer festivals and seeing where this album takes us. To all the grind freaks out there: thanks for the support, stay filthy, and get ready for To Serve And Protect!


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